Is your Property Subsiding?
published on February 26, 2019 by Peter
So more and more cracks are appearing in your home, what do you do about it? You are covered for subsidence under your home insurance policy. Subsidence is a downward movement of your foundations and walls. If you think your floor is dropping in a certain direction this can be confirmed by a spirit level […]
read moreInstalling Wood Burning Chimney flues through an existing wall
published on February 20, 2019 by Peter
Over the years we have received calls from Clients who recently had wood burning stoves installed. The flues were projecting through existing walls. The manufacturers of these stoves have guidelines on clearance distances between these flues and any combustible material. On one of the fires we acted on, the flues went through an existing stud […]
read moreFaulty Plumbing Fittings
published on February 11, 2019 by Peter
Recently we have been asked to assess numerous claims involving newly installed plumbing systems. The problems were specific to a push on ¾’’ fittings with a rubber insert onto qual-pex piping on the hot water heating system. The inserts perish over time (2-3 years). The heating systems were failing joint by joint, as each fitting […]
read moreDuty Of Disclosure – When taking out an insurance policy
published on February 6, 2019 by Peter
Potential policyholders (proposers) have a duty of disclosure when taking out an insurance policy. ‘It is an implied condition in all contracts of insurance that the proposer shall make a full and complete disclosure to the insurer of all material facts relating to the risk to be insured’. Anything concealed is considered fraud and you […]
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