My neighbours builder caused damage to my home?

My neighbours builder caused damage to my home?

published on March 27, 2019 by admin

As the building industry in Ireland is getting busier, renovation of old terrace houses is becoming more frequent. A competent builder will engage a surveyor to do a pre-construction survey of the adjoining houses before construction starts. This will preclude any person with existing cracks claiming that they’re new as a result of the works. […]

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Subrogation – Can an Insurer recover a claim pay-out from a third party

published on March 5, 2019 by Peter

A common issue arises in property claims when a house has been recently re-plumbed and a leak occurs relating to a faulty fitting. Under the policy the insurance company must pay for the damage caused by a leaking pipe fitting. If that faulty fitting was installed in the last 6 years then Insurers have the […]

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