We all heard the warnings last Thursday on the radio, that a status red storm Hannah was approaching. The actual definition of a status Red is below.
Take action. Extremely bad weather is expected. Red means people in the areas concerned should take action now to keep themselves and others safe from the impact of the weather. Widespread damage, travel and power disruption and risk to life is likely. You must avoid dangerous areas and follow the advice of the emergency services and local authorities.
So taking action to prevent storm damage to your property was the advice. Here are a few pointers.
- Clean all gutters, downpipes and drain covers. Leaves and debris can cause blockages and ultimately damage.
- Check the trees in close vicinity of your property. Dead or diseased trees could topple in a storm and hit your property. You may need to engage a tree expert to assess your trees. This should be done annually in advance of any storms.
- Store away all light outdoor furniture and equipment. They may become missiles in heavy winds.
- Have your roof inspected annually by a professional roofer.
- Utilities – know where to turn off your gas water and electricity in case of emergencies.
- If you have no shutters in your property windows, close all blinds and curtains.
Staying indoors and not travelling is becoming mandatory in these storms in Ireland. Damage to your property is covered with the following exclusions, gates, fences, hedges and the cost of removing fallen trees/branches unless the tree/branch has caused damage to buildings. Buildings include the home, walls, terraces, patios, drives, paths, tennis courts and swimming pools. We had a claim once where a tennis court fence was damaged by fallen trees. The insurance company advised fences weren’t covered. We argued that the fence is an integral part of a tennis court and we prevailed.
If you have damage as a result of a storm, have it professionally assessed. In Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd we are Engineers and Building Surveyors with over 20 years’ experience. In addition to storm damage we also cover damage from pipe leaks, fire, flood, subsidence, break-ins, etc. Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company.
Call us:
ROI: Land 01 5620082 Mob 087 6165435
NI: Land 028 95212991 Mob 077 95374150
Web www.pcla.ie Email info@pcla.ie
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